The topic of disaster recovery and continuity is especially important today because many government agencies rushed digital transformation efforts out of necessity due to the pandemic. Government agencies large and small across the country implemented new technologies at a rate never seen before in government.  It became evident that a well-architected disaster recovery strategy is no longer a nicety or a recommendation but rather a necessity for the continuity of government operations. Why are legacy backups no longer adequate in today’s environment of digital government? How does the growing citizen expectations of government services impact disaster recover strategies? How do emerging cybersecurity threats like ransomware impact a disaster recovery strategy? These are all important questions this masterclass will help answer in four modules.

Specifically, this course will cover:

  1. Implementing best practices for government data backup and replication
  2. Developing policy and procedures that are critical for continuity of government in a disaster or crisis
  3. Testing your disaster recovery and government continuity plans
  4. Preparing for the future and sustainability of your government continuity

Course Instructors

William (Bill) Rials, Ph.D

Jeff Reichard